Wild Wonders Magazine

Sharing our wonderful world with animals
12 weeks | Student Project


In a world filled with alarming news about the environment, how might we inspire young adults to become stewards of the natural world?


For tweens and teens, hearing about the environment can be confusing and discouraging. Wild Wonders is a quarterly published magazine that focuses on telling real stories about animals, the latest wildlife research, and the people making a difference in the field of conservation. Each issue is filled with articles, illustrations, photography, and activities designed to educate and inspire.


Art Direction
Editorial Design
Brand Identity


Fresco (iPad)
There’s something missing about how we’re informing the youngsters coming along about what matters in the world. We teach them the numbers and the letters, but we fail to communicate the importance of our connection to the living world.


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I curated content and photos from wildlife and sciences organizations and created custom illustrations and layouts to create a 48-page magazine and cover. Enjoy!
Printed quarterly, each issue explores 2-3 animal categories and includes interviews, research, stories, animal profiles, activities, and more.



While animals are popular in print and digital media for kids, the content of many existing magazines about animals may feel too childish for tweens and teens. In middle school, their science classes are teaching complex topics such as cell biology and ecosystem types. To build on this curriculum, Wild Wonders contains real stories, facts, and research about animals.

Research & Insights

I interviewed an environmental educator who works with adolescents to get a better idea of the pain points they may have when learning about science. Some concepts can be dry for young minds, so it was recommended to include a variety of different article types, illustrations, and activities for better engagement. However, it was also important not to discount the intelligence and learning capabilities of tweens and teens. I curated articles and created supplemental content with this in mind.


Lizzy, Age 9

Middle School Student
About: Lizzy’s grandparents bought her a year long subscription to Wild Wonders because she is always interested in finding animals around their backyard and they want to encourage her curiosity.
  • Favorite TV show is the Wild Kratts (PBS)
  • Received a one-year subscription to Wild Wonders as a gift
  • Has a short attention span
Likes: Loves looking through the images, trying the activities, and telling her friends cool animal facts.
Favorite animal: Penguin

Sabine, Age 13

Middle School Student
About: Sabine is in middle school and loves animals. In addition to their two dogs and a cat, her parents let her get a pair of guinea pigs, a fish tank, and a turtle as long as she takes care of them herself. Sabine wants to be a veterinarian or work with animals someday.
  • Earns money baby-sitting her younger brothers
  • Is a bookworm and loves to read
  • Wants to work with animals when she is older
Likes: Reading about people with animal jobs, learning more about different animals, and doing activities with her younger brothers.
Favorite animal: Green Sea Turtle

Marcos, Age 33

Middle School Science Teacher
About: Marcos is a middle school science teacher in California. He has always loved the outdoors and has a soft-spot for all living things. He loves to teach science since there are so many amazing things to share with his students.
  • Pays for the magazine himself and keeps issues in his classroom for students to read
  • Fell in love with teaching after working at a zoo summer camp
  • Goes hiking on the weekends  
Likes: Interested in animal research and using the activities and content as inspiration for his lesson plans.
Favorite animal: His adorable mutt Franklin
Equipped with knowledge and a sense of wonder, Wild Wonders believes the next generation will be ready to face ecological challenges with open minds and look for creative solutions to better share our wonderful world with animals.

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